Domestic Violence Information


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Information to Victims of Domestic Violence

For information about a shelter or other community services available in San Joaquin County or proper procedures for a victim to follow after a sexual assault, you may contact the PREVAIL formerly known as the Women’s Center of San Joaquin County (209) 941-2611 or the Battered Women’s Crisis Line, (209) 465-4878, or the Sexual Assault Line (209) 464-4997. For counseling services and assistance in typing up restraining orders please call the San Joaquin County Family Justice Center (209) 468-2500.

Other services in the community that may be of assistance to you:

If you are a domestic violence victim, you can file a petition in Superior Court. Your petition may request any of the following orders for your protection:

  • That your attacker must stop abusing you and other family or household members.
  • That your attacker must leave the household.
  • That your attacker must stay away from the home, school, business, or place of work of you or other family or household members.
  • That you or the other parent have custody of or visitation with a minor child or children.
  • That the person not having custody of the minor children must pay for their support, if that person must do so by law.
  • That your attacker must pay certain debts which come due while the order is in effect.
  • That you or your attacker, or both, go to counseling.

No matter what you or your attacker do or say after the court makes the orders, they will remain in effect. Only the court can change them.

You should know that even if the police have arrested your attacker, release from prison or jail may happen at any time. It is your responsibility to request notification of an inmate’s release, if you want that information.

You can ask the District Attorney to file a criminal complaint against your attacker. You also have the right to file a civil suit for losses suffered as a result of the abuse. These losses may include doctor or hospital bills, wages, and any other related expenses incurred by you or any agency that sheltered you.

Sexual assault by a person who is known to the victim, including sexual assault by a person who is the spouse of the victim, is a crime.