Self-Help/Pro Per Clinic

If you have a new case, please submit a ticket through the online workshop.
The Family Law Facilitator/ Pro Per Clinic provides free services to help people who do not have private attorneys.
To better serve you, the Self-Help Center is expanding our reach to make it easier for us to help. You can now submit forms to us for review. You will need an email address at a minimum since it will be the medium for communications. Uploading scanned or saved PDF forms are optimal, but the system does support file uploading of images from mobile phone cameras. The expectations are that PDF forms are one continuous file, whereas images will separate single-page files uploaded together.
For further information regarding the Family Law Facilitator/ Pro Per Clinic, you can call (209) 992-5283. For general information regarding the Family Law Court, you can call (209) 992-5690. If you need an ASL interpreter, please bring one with you.
Please do not bring children to the Pro Per Clinic or to the workshops.
When You Arrive at the Clinic…
Upon arrival, you will need to sign in. We recommend that you arrive as early as possible to sign in as there are limited spots available each day and once they are filled, you will have to return the next business day to sign up for available times.
All cases not requiring a workshop will be assisted at the Pro Per Clinic. You must bring your most current order and all other paperwork associated with your case. If you need a domestic violence restraining order contact San Joaquin County Justice Center at (209) 468-2500 or the PREVAIL formerly known as the Women’s Center of San Joaquin County at (209) 941-2611.
All persons who are In Pro Per and acting as their own attorney are encouraged to have their forms reviewed by the Self-Help Clinic before filing or presenting the papers to the Court.
Services the Clinic Provides
The Family Law Facilitator/ Pro Per Clinic provides general information and referrals. They will review your paperwork, if you have attended a workshop or were given a sample, and give you information regarding:
Family Law
- Change of Venue
- Child Custody/Visitation – Initial orders or modifications for child custody and/or visitation
- Child Support – Income and Expense Declarations – Initial orders or modifications for child support
- Dissolution of Marriage/Divorce/Legal Separation/Nullity of Marriage/Annulment
- Emancipation
- Grandparent visitation
- Parentage/Paternity – Initiating or responding to an action to establish paternity
- Preparation of Judgments and Orders (limited to when time allows or Court orders)
- Responses or Responsive Declarations
- Spousal Support – Income and Expense Declarations – Initial orders or modifications for spousal support
- Stepparent Adoption
- Summary Dissolution
- Wage garnishment and income withholding orders
- Writs and enforcement of orders
- Limited Civil – consumer debt only
- Name Change for Adult and Minor & Recognition of Gender Change for Adult and Minor
- Proofs of Service
- Small Claims
- Unlawful Detainer/Eviction
For rental assistance information click here.
- Guardianship of the person
- Conservatorship of the person
- CARE Act Petition Filing
CARE Act Petitions can be filed at the Lodi Branch Court 217 W Elm Street, Lodi CA 95240 Monday-Friday 8;00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
CARE Act Petition can be filed at the Self Help Center Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. and Wednesday 8:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Restraining Orders
- Civil Harassment Restraining Order – CHRO
- Domestic Violence Restraining Order – DVRO
- Elder Abuse Restraining Order – EARO
- Gun Violence Restraining Order – GVRO
- Work Violence Restraining Order – WVRO
The Self Help Center will review the above listed restraining orders and check for completeness. The Self Help Center cannot complete the forms.
Services the Clinic Does Not Provide
The Self Help Center does not assist with case types/areas other than those listed above.
Although the Facilitator and other staff are attorneys, they do not represent you and can only give you general information about the law and your case. There is no attorney-client relationship between you and the clinic staff. Please see a private attorney for a consultation before you begin your legal proceedings to learn about your legal rights.
Forms can be obtained at San Joaquin County Local Forms or from the Judicial Council of California.