Collaborative Courts to Hold Graduation Ceremony

WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022—4:00 P.M.

Bob Hope Theater, 242. E. Main Street, Stockton, CA

Stockton, CA — Over 170 participants of the Collaborative Courts have successfully completed one of the court rehabilitation programs at the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin over the past year. On Wednesday, May 4, 2022, we will celebrate this achievement with a commencement ceremony at 4 p.m. at the Bob Hope Theater, 242 E. Main Street, Stockton, CA.

Collaborative Courts is a division of the Superior Court, which combines judicial supervision with monitoring and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism by addressing issues that contribute to criminal behavior. With the goal of improving public safety and client outcomes, these courts also are known as problem-solving courts. Collaborative Courts focuses on utilizing data-driven, evidence-based practices, comprehensive evaluation and assessment plans to improve the quality of the lives of the people we serve.

“San Joaquin Superior Collaborative Court is honored to host our annual graduation ceremony for our well-deserved participants.  It’s an opportunity to celebrate people from our community working to reach their next level of success.  Our participants worked hard to meet court dates and to complete service needs. The completion of this one-year program is no easy feat; however, the commitment was substantial, knowing failure was not an option.  We believe that positive opportunities like this are an essential step toward the success of our community”- Kelly Placeres, Director of Collaborative Courts.

The graduation program will feature:

Key Note Speaker – Dennis Gaxiola. Dennis Gaxiola is one of America’s funniest clean comedians. The Air Force veteran and preacher’s son has appeared on Comedy Central, stars, NBC and has a dry bar comedy special that has garnered over 150,000,000 views.

Graduate Speaker – David Batton. David Batton came to Compliance Court homeless, broken and unsure of the Court’s unusual approach to assisting his needs. He had been living behind a dumpster, and once told the Judge that he wanted to die an addict. However, despite his despondence he continued to make his court appearances. David was placed in a sober living home and received outpatient treatment. Once David embraced the process of recovery, he started counting the days he was clean and sober, sharing the incremental milestones with pride. David completed his treatment program and attained full-time employment. He continues to frequent support groups. He shared his goal with the court team that he wants to be a peer mentor to other Collaborative Court participants, and has initiated that process. We are all very proud of David Batton as he moves towards a very independent, positive and productive life. 

Collaborative Courts, a division fully supported by grants, includes Drug Court (Track 1 and 2), Dependency Drug Court (PROP 1 and 2), DUI Court, Parole Reentry Court,      Veterans Court, three AB109 reentry courts – Compliance Court, Monitoring Court, Mandatory Supervision Court, and the “Choices and Consequences” prevention program, which are school presentations that aim to deter middle school and high school students from using drugs and alcohol.

For more information, please contact Kelly Placeres at 992-5225.
